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VL53L0X SPAD setup

I see in the documents for the VL53L1X the SPAD grid is labeled out. Is this the same grid labeling for the L0X? How does this grid work? For instance, does it grow as the cone does with further measurements? Thanks

ADike by Associate
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VL53L0X: Cone at Distance X - Objects in way

Posted on May 26, 2018 at 15:52My question is about the VL53L0X.In the Datasheet on Page 30, there is a Collector Exclusion and Emiter Exclusion Zone defined. Sadly I did not find any information how big the cone will be at a Distance X. Is this con...

Example acceleration data - LIS3DH

Section 4.2.3 of the application note for the LIS3DH sensor provides example register values for various sensor readings. For +/-2g at high resolution mode the typical sensitivity is 1mg/unit. When BLE=0, I see why registers 28h and 29h are E0h and 1...

MG by Associate
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LIS3DSH Pedometer State Machine

Hi,We are trying to develop a pedometer based on LIS3DSH. We already have aSTM32F4 (F407) discovery board equipped with LIS3DSH. As stated in the document"Application Guidelines for LIS3DSH State Machine", there is anapplication "Pedometer Based on S...

ierturk by Associate III
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