User Activity

Hi,I was wandering how the FIFO works in terms of reading and writing data at the same time. While I am reading the FIFO, what happens with the new data that is generated from the accelerometer? Am I losing this data, or is it stored in the FIFO agai...
Hi,I would like to move my project to STM32 from another MCU.There are some requirements that I have to comply with and I would like to know if STM32 is a good idea or not.I need to be able to flash the firmware using USB without an USB to UART conve...
Hi,I would like to know what is the difference between bandwidth and ODR. I tough that just the analog accelerometers have bandwidth and the digital ones have ODR. For example, IIS3DWB can go up to 5kHz bandwidth and 26.7kHz ODR. Does this means that...
Hi,I have a STBB1-APUR in a circuit with a battery. As I can see, it will lower down the voltage from by battery to 3.3V, but it will also boost it to 3.3V if the battery has lower voltage. Is there any way to disable the boost? I would like to close...
Hi,I am using an LSM6DSOX in SPI mode. I prefer SPI over I2C because it has bigger data transfer rates. Is there any way to be sure that my SPI commands were executed with success? Are they returning something? For example, how can I be sure of the i...