Variable consumption for LSM6DSM
When leaving pins 2 and 3 of the LSM6DSM unconnected, the device's consumption can increase over time and eventually reach 400 uA. Why is that? could you provide a block diagram of the device?
When leaving pins 2 and 3 of the LSM6DSM unconnected, the device's consumption can increase over time and eventually reach 400 uA. Why is that? could you provide a block diagram of the device?
LSM6DSM pull up configuration for pins 2 and 3 is not working in Mode 1. Does it require something else, besides setting the flag PULL_UP_EN in 1?
Hello,I'm having problems with free fall interrupt. I set every register that needed to be set with values that are written in application note of sensor.57h to CTRL_REG100h to CTRL_REG240h to CTRL_REG300h to CTRL_REG408h to CTRL_REG516h to INT1_THS0...
Hi, Could anyone to explain the meaning of "3200" number in Table 10. Operating modes - low-noise setting disabled (LIS2DW12 Datasheet).Is it Bandwidth in Hz?What is practical meaning of it if max ODR is resricted to 200 Hz only?BR, Oleg
I am extracting LSM6DSL's data at FIFO rate 833 Hz and I set the SPI rate at 10MHz which is the max rate that the IMU can tolerant,I thought it should be fast enough for 833 Hz FIFO rate? See the picture below (( plz Ignore the title in the picture i...
Our application requires extraction of angle from the gyro samples over short periods of time- a few seconds. In other words, we need to integrate the gyros. We see that when we integrate the data when the device is static the accumulated error is fi...
Hey guys,I am working on communicating to an ISM330DLC sensor using I2C and a TI processor as the master. We only have the accelerometer enabled (no gyro) and are using the FIFO to read the data. When the FIFO gets four pieces of data (2 x, 2 y, and ...
Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but not finding any better options after looking around your website a bit. I have an IoT Hub/Gateway application that provides the ability to build out a lot of typical IoT functionality without...
I am trying to upload apps to the tile, but for some of the entry level example apps (e.g. vibration monitor app) and for an expert mode app that I designed I get an error when trying to upload the app. It says: "SD file needed for the app not found"...
A daisy chain seems to be complicated because i can not configure the SPI chain in 4 wired at power up.Or, I would like to connect a specific CS on each LPS22HB and connect SCL / SDI / SDO together on the same SPI bus of the MCU. But I do not underst...