STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Resolved! power consumption in stop modes,standby and shutdown mode

i am trying to measure the power consumption of the MCU in my custom board with different sleep modes, while measuring the stop2 mode i am getting consumption of 110 uA in the datasheet its showing of 2 uA ,even for shutdown and standby mode also its...

sabari1 by Associate III
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How to put the STM32WB55 in STOP2 mode

Hello,The STM32WB55 on our custom board doesn't ever go into stop2 mode. Our application needs to activate BLE and advertise for a fixed time at startup, so that the system can be configured and started. After this period BLE is no longer needed, so ...

Lvan .4 by Associate II
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wake up CPU1 from CPU2

Hi,in my application on STM32WL55, when the CPU1 (CM4) is on STANDBY mode, and the CPU2 (CM0PLUS) is in Run mode,how can i ask the CPU2 to wakeup the CPU1 ?Thank you.

malarab by Senior II
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STM32WLE5 Wake up from stop mode on EXTI for Rx

Hello,I'm trying to create a test application based on the SubGHz_Phy_Per RX example that will go into stop mode after initialization and wake up on EXTI line for an Rx window and then go back to stop mode.I want to base my test application on the Se...

RAK3172 LPUART sample code-LED not litting?

I am checking the below example code given in RAK3172 low level development folder.C:\en.stm32cubewl\STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.0.0\Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Examples_LL\LPUART\LPUART_WakeUpFromStop_InitThe only change I made here is for LED2 , GPIO pin changed...

PP.3 by Associate
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