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Hello I want to add a glass to my VL53L1X ToF sensor . How should I calibrate for using with glass?I tried to calibrate with the help of the um2510 pdf (I used VL53L1X_CalibrateOffset and VL53L1X_CalibrateXtalk respectively).  After the calibration w...
Hello, I want to read an analog data and I didnt figure out how to use low layer libraries properly?I am using stm32wb55rgv6 nucleo boardCode : #include <stm32wbxx_ll_bus.h>#include <stm32wbxx_ll_rcc.h>#include <stm32wbxx_ll_gpio.h>#include <stm32wbx...
Hello,I want to know difference between SYSCLK and SystemCoreClok.When ı try to configure clock of different peripherals I saw terms SYSCLK and SystemCoreClock. I use MSI for SYSCLK which is configured to 32MHZ and for cpu1 ı divided sysclk by 4 and ...
Hello, I have a stm32wb55 nucleo board,I want to know that whats is the logic behind that , In reference manual it says After a system reset, the MSI oscillator, at 4 MHz, is selected .Lets say I want to use HSI or HSE for specific application and I ...
Hi,I want to enable the SYSCGF in STM32WB55RGV6 , but when ı look the reference manuel; it says that SYSCFG is on the APB2 bus however when look the APB2ENR register there is nothing about SYSCFG . What should ı do to enable SYSCFG?