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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

embbeded stm32f746 nucleo board ethernet use

stm32 nucleo board use ethernet communiction  send string on board pb7 led on same off string It looks like you're trying to implement a TCP client on an STM32 Nucleo board that controls an LED connected to pin PB7 based on the string send  on  sever...

Resolved! Problems with Firmware Library Package Setup

Hi,on a brandnew PC with Win10 i installed CubeIDE 1.16.1.After that, i want to import example project "BLE_HeartRate. Then i got this message:  I thougt that CubeIDE installed the required Firmware Package automatically?

ledi001 by Senior
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regular HAL_RTC WakeUp

Hello,I'm testing the PWR_STOP_RTC sample on STM32L0538-Discovery.I see how to wake-up period with WakeUpCounter in  the function HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT().I think I'd generate periodical wakeup interrupt with fixed period.Is  there any specific ...

curiae by Associate III
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Cannot activate IRTIM peripheral

Hi, I'm developing an application based on STM32U031K8. I need to use the IRTIM peripheral to create an IR transmitter. I set TIM15_CH1 and TIM16_CH1 as "Output Compare No Output" but IRTIM peripheral still cannot be activated. May someone help me?

Resolved! STM32 cube IDE Debugger error

I have created a demo project using touch gfx I'm able to flash that project using touch gfx. But when I try to flash that project using Stm32Cube ide it raises an error like "Failed to execute M1 command". Please refer attachments for more details.

sai1 by Associate II
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About Timer work after Stop mode with RTC

Hello,Once I thougt I measure the duration time after entering Stop mode with RTC to wakeup by EXTI interupt on the STM32L0538-Discovery.But I noticed any timers don't work during Stop mode, is this right?And I think after entering Stop mode, any var...

curiae by Associate III
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Resolved! Internet connection

Hello,Im unable to connect to internet in IDE and MX. Check below image in IDEBelow seen in MXMy work is getting hampered due to this. Please let me know what to do.

GauravK_0-1727273256884.png GauravK_1-1727273359373.png GauravK_2-1727273375566.png
GauravK by Senior
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