2025-03-25 10:46 AM
Hey I have a stm32f722RE that is supposed to receive CAN messages via through the canbus and active output pins via timer pins.It worked fine for some months but now its jumping to the hardfault and mem handler manager out of nowhere.
Its a custom board and I have nreset connected to gnd.What I also notted is that during operation the debugger starts losing connection to my pc and then the board stops working/resets itself and then gets stuck at some handler or just jumps to handler directly.
Ive attached the code,and a print of the debugger during error and the schematic of the microcontroler.Ive disconnected basically everything else that were not vital and could potencially cause an error,like sensors inputs and other outputs.Ive also checked the adress 0x08000DF8 via stm32cube programmer and it seemed fine.
2025-03-25 10:47 AM
Forgot to mention but i ve already resoldered the uC and have stable 3.3v to it
2025-03-25 11:12 AM
2025-03-25 11:48 AM
On a single VCAP (64-pin) instance, the capacitor should be 4.7 uF
Would expect to see 1.25V on it. Often a cause of odd/unexplained errors.