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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

Bug with "STM32 Project from STM32CubeMX .ioc file"

Being able to create a new project from an existing .ioc file is very useful. But when I've tried to do this (by selecting File->New->STM32 Project from STM32CubeMX .ioc file) the project seems broken. I can build it fine, but when I try to add new (...


How to copy project from STM32cubeide?

I am using STM32cubeide 1.3.0, and I am running a project called 'test_1'. I want to create a 'test_2' project based on the 'test_1' project, what should I do? I've tried several methods, but I got an error.I tried changing the name of the 'test_1' p...

Snam.1 by Associate
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STM32CubeIDE V1.3.0 "Debugger connection lost"

I have seen this same thread somewhere before, but for a MAC platform, so hopefully someone has solved it for windows also.V1.3.0 Windows (running on 10) allows for .ioc creation and compiliation (using gcc eclipse compiler) but.... with both Nucleo-...

Sjohn.2 by Associate
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STM32F429 project error: No such file or directory

Hello, I'm getting started with stm32f429i. I built my project like the picture. The problem is when i build target, I had an error like the picture.I Crtl+left click to the "stm32f4xx_sai.h" and it pop out When i rebuid target it have the same error...

0693W000000UlhWQAS.png 0693W000000Uli0QAC.png
NHuy.1 by Associate
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CubeIDE Rendering issues on Linux (SOLVED)

I have some annoying rendering issuse with CubeIDE 1.3 running on Ubuntu 19.10 (Pop_OS).The problem is that some of the toolbox windows are not updating/re-rendering when switching tabs or perspective.Debug perspective seems to have most issues, see ...

Blem.1 by Associate
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