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STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeProgrammer exhibit different behavior when flashing an MCU. Specifically, "gaps" in memory sections described in the linker script are flashed to a device with 0xFFFF when using the IDE and 0x0000 when using the programmer. ...
I am using the CORDIC engine on an STM32G474 to perform an atan2, sin, and cos operations sequentially. Running the code below and testing different inputs yields expected results for atan2, but does not yield expected results for sin and cos. Howeve...
I am using the CORDIC on an STM32G4 for a project and was curious about the difference in performance based on the compiler optimization level. With no optimizations, LL_CORDIC_FUNCTION_PHASE completed in 113 cycles. With O1 optimizations, LL_CORDIC_...
I have a board with an STM32L0 part that uses an 8MHz MEMS oscillator as the external clock source. I recently observed that using the Crystal/Ceramic option appears to make the SYSCLK run at half the expected rate. Using the correct BYPASS option pr...
I have been having much difficulty trying to port a custom USB HID protocol from a previous project using the STM32F405 to the STM32G431. Connection would initially be established, immediately followed by pipe errors. Eventually I found that if I dow...