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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch. What is new in 1.16.0?Microcontroller and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 : STM32C0, STM32WB0 and STM32MP25XXAdded CMake support for multicontext projec...

Unable to communicate between stm32 and as7262 sensor

I'm using stm32 discovery board and connecting with as7262 sensor. The datasheet for as 7262 sensor is am unable to retrieve the data using I2C communication. I have uploaded my code below.#define AS7262_ADD 0x93 #define ST...

RSath.1 by Associate II
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I am using STM32F7 series. I created httpd server ethernet project. I have web code which html,css,js. But my microcontrollers memory not enough for these codes. I need to use SD Card.

I need to put it my web codes (html, css, js) to SD Card. Also These codes need to work on SD Card. Because my web codes memory size is around 300MB. Normally I worked my code (basic html files) without SD Card. It needs converting to fsdata.c files....

KAnahar by Associate III
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