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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

Resolved! Downloaded code does not seem to run.

Hello Everyone,I am running CubeIDE on Windows 10. It installed easily and from the little that I know it runs ok.I have the official ST-Link interface for OTHER THAN the Nucleo board and I have upgraded the firmware in there to current release.I hav...

xst by Associate III
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Resolved! Actual Include paths do not correspond to Include Paths in the settings

Hello, I am trying to add source files in my project, the folder is organized like this : - events :     |  - include :     |      |  - events :     |      |      |  - internal :     |      |      |      |  - Some header files [A]     |      |      |...

Toin by Associate II
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Choose different builds for "Run" and "Debug" button

Currently the behaviour of CubeIDE is to always choose the same build configuration for the Run and Debug button.Is there a way to have the two seperated? Most of the time I want to flash the Debug build for debugging and the Release build with stron...

A.D. by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 OV2640 DCMI

Hi,I would like to ask a question about STM32 OV2640 usage. My task is; take an output data from OV2640 and send to Computer via USART. When I communicate with UART, I took an output which shown in the figure. I did not is it true or wrong output but...


Resolved! X-NUCLEO-NFC08A1 bring up on NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q

I am fairly new to STM Cube IDE and the expansion packages.I wanted to bring up the X-NUCLEO-NFC08A1 on NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q with the examples and read through several user guides etc. including the STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-NFC6_GettingStarted. The docum...

IdSTM by Associate
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How to customize startup file?

I am a newbie in embedded programming. My idea is to build 3 applications with 3 separate project file. These 3 applications will work together in 1 CPU as shown in the image below:To jump from App to another APP, I do the same way bootloader jumps t...


Interfacing STM32H7 with uSD using SDMMC

I referred a youtube video i followed the steps /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ if(f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 0) != FR_OK) {  Error_Handler();}   else {      if(f_mkfs((TCHAR const*)SDPath, FM_ANY,...

DeepakY by Associate II
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Cant print on SWV ITM Data Console

I am trying to Debug with SWO and SWV in STM32CubeIDE. But i am not getting any thing on SWV ITM Data console and Timline Graph. As you can see in live expression window count is incrementing as expected. My clock is running on 24Mhz.

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asim khan by Associate III
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