STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Wireless stack on custom STM32WB55

Hi all,Im trying to load the stack onto the custom board. I've done it for both Nucleo board and dongle. I use Nucleo board with SWCLK, SWDD, RST, GND, 3V3. I think Ive managed to program FUS as it shows the correct number and it starts. Ive been try...

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DWuje.1 by Associate II
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STM32WB15 test BLE Tx in custom hardware

Hello, I'm Marco, HW developer.Scenario: two Nucleo WB15CC transmit both a sawtooth into the Nucleo WB55 USB dongle with BLE protocol. With a proper SW we can see the two sawtooth in the GUI. The Nucleos WB15 should be replaced with custom HW with sm...

MFail.11 by Associate II
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Increase STM32WL Range

Hello , I'm using the Nucleo-WL55JC1 in my project as Gateway and End-devices.The SW Works well and it communicate properly, but i have problem with the RANGE between the Gateway and the End-device.Know when I change the Antenna I can communicate wit...

PCB Design / Programming Interfaces for STM32WLE5C8U6

Hello,I'm interested in using one of the STM32WL chips for a telemetry board. I need this board to be as small as reasonably possible. I am trying to decide on a way to program it and (optionally) have a way for it to connect to a laptop via usb. Ide...

Mystical by Associate
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Resolved! LoRa transmission with STM32WL55

Hi,I try to build up a HAM LoRa APRS system with STM32 and I don´t receive any messages in my gateway. For testing purposes, I use an 868 MHz gateway and an RAK3172 module. The RAK3172 module is configured as shown below:Initialize the LoRa module (u...

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Kampi by Associate III
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