User Activity

Hi,i am using STM32WBA55 with BLE_p2pServer_ota example and want to wake-up over an USART2 event (start bit or rising edge) from stop mode. What is a good way to do this? I am using HSI16 with USART2 GPDMA1. 
Hi,i am using the BLE_p2pServer_ota example with NUCLEOWBA55 and i want transmitt a 20 Byte package over USART2 with DMA in circular mode (19200 Baud). Here as an example, i send 20 bytes every second via HTerm to USART2. BLE advertising (every 2s) i...
Hi,How can I set the lowest power consumption with the BLE_p2pServer example on the STM32WBA55?I have tried to set the power level to the lowest level in STM32_WPAN configuration,but the average power consumption (at 2s advertising interval) is aroun...
Hi,after flashing the binary files of BLE_ApplicationInstallManager and BLE_p2pServer_ota on the STM32WBA55CG, I can no longer access the controller.What i did:Flashing .bin file of the BLE_ApplicationInstallManager @ start address 0x0800 0000Flashin...
Hi @STTwo-32 ,I am using the BLE_p2pServer example with NUCLEO-WBA55 and want to use USART2 instead of USART1. If I use USART1 and send a byte via HTerm, the task UTIL_SEQ_SetTask( 1<<CFG_TASK_SEND_NOTIF_ID, CFG_SEQ_PRIO_0); should be executed as soo...