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Hello, I am developing a Zigbee SED application on the STM32WB5MMG in which I need to use the RTCs timestamps for logging. VBAT is connected to 3.3V and LSE is used. My expectation is, that the RTC keeps running while Zigbee Sleepy End Device is not ...
Hello,My goal is to setup a timer which also runs when the device is in (Zigbee) sleep mode. I have tried to adapt HAL_GetTick() to be run by LPTIM1 on an STM32WB5MMG, which led to the device not boot anymore. I also tried setup timestamps on the RTC...
Hello, I am developing a temperature measurement system which consists of a coordinator and multiple sleepy end devices. On the Coordinator Side ZbZclAttrReportConfigReq is used to set end devices reporting interval. To ensure the sleepy end-devices ...
Hello,I am trying to get zigbee traces running on STM32WB5MMG running on Sparkfuns development boards.For my current project I am using this hardware:SprakFun MicroMod Main Board - Single - MicroMod STM...
Hey,I have two problems regarding custom clusters and sleepy end devices. I want to create an SED that periodically sends custom long string messages (via attribute reporting) to a coordinator.1.Question:For this I implemented a custom cluster with a...