STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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How to run RTC with Nucleo STM32WB55

/* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ RTC_TimeTypeDef RTC_Time={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; /* USER CODE END PV */   int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */   /* USER CODE END 1 */   /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/  ...

JM?�l by Associate II
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Can't import STM32WB55 Nucleo in STM32CubeIDE V1.0.0

I'm having some trouble importing and building the BLE_p2pServer project in STM32CubeIDE. The project doesn't seem to import correctly and I get a number of errors when I try to compile. I assume this is due to STM32CubeIDE is not being listed as one...

BPaik by Senior
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Resolved! How to reduce BLE notification latency

I'm evaluating the STM32WB55 for use in a product which needs to read user input (button press and associated sensor data), and communicate it to another device over BLE. I'm using a pair of STM32WB55 Nucleo boards to communicate with each other o...

STM32G0 interface with LoRa

Hi,STM32G0 series is quite impressive in term of cost and features, Thanks to STmicroelectronics!I have develop LoRa based product on STM32L0 and STM32L1 now I'm looking for LoRa base application on STM32G0 series to develop new products. Is there an...

VChau by Associate II
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Temperature sensor B-L475E-IOT01A1

I can read the on board temperature sensor when I use the code below when it is run in the file platform_STM32Cube_IoT01L475VG.c... but if I move the same code to a function from another file it always returns 0... can't figure out why... any ideas?f...

DSabo by Associate III
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B-L072Z-LRWAN1 : PWM generation for LED dimming

Hi,I wanted to generate PWM using timer on B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board for LED Dimming.I searched on the forum and web for this but I am unable to get any example for PWM on B-L072Z-LRWAN1 .Which LED I can use for this purpose?Can any one help me with this?

cpc by Associate II
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