STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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NUCLEO-LRWAN3 firmware(STM32)!!!!

Could you get the binary data of STM32 of LRWAN3 which is loaded in NUCLEO-LRWAN3 by default?thank you for your help..*Moderation Edit: please do not post your email in the public area of this website*

molamola by Associate
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Resolved! BLE hci command aci_gatt_update_char_value_ext

Can anyone tell me what Update_Type parameter does in this fucntion?tBleStatus aci_gatt_update_char_value_ext( uint16_t Conn_Handle_To_Notify,   uint16_t Service_Handle,   uint16_t Char_Handle,   ...

DS.4 by Senior II
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ST BLE debug tool for Desktop

HiUsing a P-NUCLEO-WB55 dev board.Looking for a dedicated ST Windows app to debug BLE .Something that maybe connects to the ST USB dongle, and can run simple commands as connect, pair etc.Is there such a tool available?similar to this, but for window...

DS.4 by Senior II
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i want to get NUCLEO-LRWAN2 source code!!!

NUCLEO-LRWAN2�?� sensor 보드�?� 기본 �?재�?� firmware�?� souce code가 있으면 보내 주시면 �?사하겠습니다. i want a firmaware of F746RZ.​​STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V2.0.0는 가지고 있는�?� 혹시 �?�것�?� 맞으면 어떻게 compile 해야하는지 알여주세요My project is breaking up.

molamola by Associate
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Smart wearable recommendation?

智能穿戴产�?带�?牙5.0的芯片有没有推�??的?�?牙芯片 [�?制链接]这个�?牙芯片我们希望集�?更多的功能,比如内存有1M以上;有ADC采样,有OP�?放,或者内置有AFE电路;有充电管�?�(如果没有�?�以增加充电芯片,本身充电芯片体积�?会很大);需�?5.0或以上版本;带电�?监测功能或者�?�以外挂电�?计芯片;有串�?�或者IIC接�?�;这样的过功能�?牙芯片有没有�?�适的或者接近的?类似一个SOC的功能

程张.1 by Associate
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Send a single advertise packet

Is there a way to send a single advertisement packet at a specific moment in code, ( without the mix/max interval time).I want to disable advertisement.And control it myself.

DS.4 by Senior II
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Example code for STM32WB + BLE in low power mode

Hi, For my application, I have BLE connection between STM32WB55 (role = peripheral ) and mobile connection.I want to use BLE in low power mode such a way that, 1) If device is not paired MCU(M4) should wakeup and pair if device is available then slee...

GMacw.1 by Associate II
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Broken FUS version

Hi, I'm using a custom board with STM32WB55 and faced with an issue related to FUS up and running. Initially, I was able successfully to upgrade FUS up to via swd interface. Then I have updated the user key via USART embedded bootloader. Star...

ACham.3 by Associate II
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