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Hi,I'm using STLink-V3 MiniE tu flash STM32L432CCU6 on custom board.The signal mapped are SWDIO & SWCLK. I connect T_VCC to 3V3.The connexions are correct has I was able to flash the target.I'm using STM32CubeProgrammer CLI, and control the target po...
Hi,For a project I'm using Nucleo STM32L432KC and STM32CubeMX V1.17.0.I'm using the same code template for differents project and it's the first time I get this kind of errors:At some points, when writing to a GPIO of expander PCA9535DB, I have HAL_E...
HiI'm using STLink-V3 Mini probe to flash and read UID of a stm32F401RET6 with STM32Cubeprogrammer command line under ubuntu 2022.Here is the command I'm using : "<path to STM32_Programmer_CLI -log <log_filename> -c port=SWD mode=UR freq=4000 -rdu -r...
Hi,I'm working on the two MCU's STM32WLE5C8U6 & STM32WLE4CCU6 and I need to know the UID in order to indentify each of the products.In the doc it's written that both have UID but there is no address to read them.What I'm missing ?Best regards,
Kudos from