2021-10-29 1:24 AM
I am attempting to send a file via BLE (Windows app -> STM32WB55), I've found that the ACI_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIED_VSEVT_CODE event is called whenever a packet is received by the board however I am unable to find where the actual packet data is stored or understand how to output it. (I.e. send "HELLO" string via BLE, board outputs "HELLO" via uart).
I am trying to output this data serially via the UART connection. Similarly, I am trying to receive input via uart and transfer the payload from the board to the windows app via BLE.
I have looked at attribute_modified->Attr_Data and similar variables within the event, however I don't believe these are what I'm after.
Thank you for any help,
2021-11-10 3:41 AM
Can anyone help me with this?