STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Resolved! i-cube-lrwan Class B Beacon not Received

Hi Everyone, Im working on nucleo L053r8 board with sx1276 lora module and i-cube-lrwan expansion software package. İ manage to do all the functions class A and Class C With TTN. Class B working but , beacons are rearly receiving. First Beacon is alw...

Resolved! RTC and Timer Issues with BLE Stack on STM32WB35CEU6A

Hello,When I add the BLE stack to the STM32WB35CEU6A, I notice that the RTC and timer settings don’t work correctly. With the BLE stack enabled, I can’t get accurate time information from the RTC and timer, or there are inconsistencies in the timing....

Resolved! Request for Hardware design guide for STM32WL33

Hello, I'm a beginner in hardware design for STM32 MCU wireless. I usually get detailed information about component value recommendations in the datasheet or application note. But in STM32WL33, I get unclearer information than in other MCU wireless d...


Resolved! Flash Memory Configuration in STM32WB55RGV6

I am currently working with the STM32WB55RGV6 microcontroller, which has a total of 1 MB of Flash memory. However, after generating a project using STM32CubeMX, I noticed that the Flash memory file only indicates 512 KB of available memory.Could you ...

Smalik by Associate II
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Resolved! How to connect NUCLEO STM32WB55 onboard programmer to STM32F411 board ?

Hello,Does anybody knows - are 4 wires enough for programming: STM32F411CEU6 module      JP5 of the NUCLEO-WB55RGGND                                        <---- T_VDDSWSCK                                    ??? SWOSWDIO                              ...

GS2 by Senior
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Set RTC without resetting HW timer server?

My STM32WB5MMG application interfaces with a GPS receiver. Ideally, what I would like to do is to update the RTC date/time every time I get a timepulse signal from the GPS, so that the RTC date/time is always as close as possible to GPS time. However...

crwper by Senior
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Resolved! stm32wl33

Hello, Iam trying look for low budget chip for my application, Can you guide if stm32wl33 will work for lorawan communication to send temp. data