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I am using Seeed Studio LoRaWan Project for Wio E5 Mini(STM32WLE5JC6). By default the project is using internal RTC, but I want to use an external RTC DS3231 alarm for my application to send data because it would be run through the power line and whe...
I have been using Seeed-LoRa-E5 github repository for my project. I have added code to send I2C sensor data to the LNS and the device joins and sends data successfully and the code works fine as expected. Now I want to add a timer interrupt and so I ...
I am using Wio E5 board for a LoRawan project and running the project FreeRTOS LoRa Wio E5  in STM32CubeIDE. When building the project as it is without changing anything in CubeMX it works fine. I could change the EUI values, region, etc.. in the res...
I am trying to communicate with ADS1115 using Seeed Studio's LoRa Wio E5 mini in the I2C2 peripheral to which PA15 and PB15 are connected. It doesn't work and I am able to see nothing on my logic analyzer. SCL stays high and SCL stays low with no dat...
I am using LoRa Wio E5 dev kit with ST-Link V2 clone. From Seeed Studio E5 project I can successfully run the LoRa demo code that sends a stream of dummy values like temp, battery voltage well and connects with my TTN server. When I try to use CubeMX...