STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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MLPF-WB55-02E3 connection to STM32WB55V WLCSP_100.

I have some questions on the response here: response references MLPF-WB55-01E3 but I think it should be MLPF-WB55-02E3 for the WLCSP_100 package. Can you confirm the 65 ohm im...

TEben.2 by Associate
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Resolved! Read STM32WLE5C8U6 & STM32WLE4CCU6 UID

Hi,I'm working on the two MCU's STM32WLE5C8U6 & STM32WLE4CCU6 and I need to know the UID in order to indentify each of the products.In the doc it's written that both have UID but there is no address to read them.What I'm missing ?Best regards,

ABric.2 by Associate II
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Sending BLE message data via UART

I am attempting to send a file via BLE (Windows app -> STM32WB55), I've found that the ACI_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIED_VSEVT_CODE event is called whenever a packet is received by the board however I am unable to find where the actual packet data is store...

OCatt.1 by Associate II
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Count on Tim2 going past ARR?

I have a simple example where I take an A/D sample from a pot every 15ms. I then modify CCR1-4 on both TIM2 and TIM1 AS WELL AS ARR registers on TIM2 and TIM1. ARR is updated with a value and ALL CCRx are updated with that value - #define. I notic...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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STM32WB10CC antenna connection shorted to GND.

For the new STM32WB10CC chip, there is no specification on default state of the RF pin, however, it should not be shorted to GND. Hardware has been verified with high confidence that short is not due to physical issues, is software short to GND on RF...

GChan.3 by Associate
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STM32WB55 incorrect svd file

I enable counter by __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&htim17);and I see in debugger that PSC register incrementing, not CNT. CNT is always zero. Are the registers messed up?Settings are from CubeIDE 1.41 with stm32wb pack 1.8:static void MX_TIM17_Init(void){ /* USER...

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