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Hi all. I've got a problem when trying to flash the STM32WLE5J8I6.I am trying to run a simple blinky code and blink an onboard LED on my custom pcb.The program builds fine, connecting with the ST-Link (Nucleo-WL55JC1) and using SWD to connect to the ...
Short and simple question: Why am I getting this error? Is there something obviously wrong with the schematic?Tested all possible configurations when trying to connect. Holding boot, holding reset, nothing works. The error code changes to target not ...
Application note AN2606, on page 380. It says that in the default bootloader, USART is used on pin PA9 (E5)(TX) and PA10 (C8)(RX). However, when I select USART1 in STM32CubeMX, in mode Asynchronous, pins E1 (TX) and C3 (RX) are used. USART programmin...