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I am using the L462E try to connect an IoT platform. But I am not sure which communication protocol it is using? Is it using HTTP, MQTT, or CoAP??
Hi!I have bought BL462E-Cell1. I need the documents of Murata Type1SC which is the key component of the discovery kit BL462E-Cell1. From the registration code printed on the sheet with BL462E-cell cannot give me the access to the documents of Murata...
Hi!I have bought STM32L462E for learning NB-IoT or LTE development. However, as far as I have searched, there is too few examples about NB-IoT or LTE. en.x-cube-cellular_v6-0-0_v6.0.0 and en.patch_xcubecell-v6-0-1_v6.0.1 only give me a demonstration ...
Hi!I am using STM32WB to build a project and transfer data by BLE. I have tried with MATLAB to receive the data. But sometimes, MATLAB runs really slow,. Then some data are missed. Is there any software which I can use to collect my data. I need to ...
Hi!I am using P-nucleo WB55 board to develop BLE application. 1 I use TIM2 to generate a interrupt where I use SPI to read external ADC data. However, I found that the time period between SPI SCK signal and rising edge of TIM's PWM is varying. as sho...
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