2022-03-23 7:38 AM
I just started a project with STM32WB5MM module and STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.13.0. I implemented the BLE_Beacon example successfully. Now the question comes up if it is possible to send iBeacon and Eddystone advertisings alternating. I found a ACI_GAP_ADDITIONAL_BEACON_START function but in the latest Release Notes for the BLE stack it is stated, that this feature has been removed... So, what will be the best startpoint for such an application?
2022-04-06 9:56 AM
Additional Beacon function still supported on STM32WB. Indeed if you look release notes of v1.13.1 patch, for stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_basic_fw.bin additional beacon has been removed but in v1.13.2 has been put back in the stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_basic_fw.bin.
Best Regards
2022-05-03 12:02 AM
Is the additional beacon feature working in your application?
I implemented a BLE Server on the STM32WB and would like to additionally have a beacon. Therefore I tried using this additional beacon feature, but ran into some problems.
I tried using the following code at different locations in main.c. Placing them before the main-loop after MX_APPE_Init(); and also placing it inside the main-loop right after MX_APPE_Process(); did not work.
uint8_t iBeaconOwnAdress[6] = {0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03};
ret = aci_gap_additional_beacon_start(0x20, 0x20, 0x01, PUBLIC_ADDR, iBeaconOwnAdress, CFG_TX_POWER);
uint8_t iBeaconData[27] = {........}
ret = aci_gap_additional_beacon_set_data(27, iBeaconData);
In the debugger mode if I enter the function aci_gap_additional_beacon_start(....) the problem seems to be in hci_send_req(&rq, FALSE), there the return value is set to 1, indicating an error.
Am I missing something here, did I miss calling any command before aci_gap_additional_beacon_start and aci_gap_additional_beacon_set_data?
2022-05-03 1:13 AM
Yes, the additional Beacon application is working fine. I implemented it at the end of the "APP_BLE_Init" function in the "ble.c" file. Thus you have to at least initialize the HCI, GATT and GAPP layer.
Please check the Stack version. I just installed the version. It definitely doesn't work with all versions.
Otherwise please have a look at the following article:
2022-05-04 7:47 AM
Hi, thanks a lot for your help.
Using Stack version also works for me.