STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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BLE mesh and FLASH access problem

Hello,I am trying to develop app based on BLE_MeshLightingProvisioner example. From the readme file, I know that the node can be self provisioned and configured when the ENABLE_PROVISIONER_FEATURE is defined. This is a great feature and I want to use...

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lukasz2 by Associate III
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COMP 2 INPM some Pins are not working as expected

Hi,I am using comp2 for our project ( STM32WB5MM )were we use INP Plus and INP Min Pins for the comperator,for INP plus I Use the PB4 and For INP Min i want to use the Pin PB3 or PB7 but unfortunately I am not getting interrupt at disered voltage, bu...

VJani.11 by Associate
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STM32WB55 interrupt blocking BLE

Hi everyone,I am actually working on a project based on a custom STM32WB55 platform with a LIS2DTW12 (accelerometer) embedded.I am having an issue with a code based on the BLE_p2pserver example code. I am using the LIS2DTW12 dataready interruption as...

RKalm by Associate
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Hello, Could you please tell me what equipment I need to buy to transmit data from STEVAL-STWINBX1 via the LoraWan protocol?Thank you in advance for your answer 

STEVAL-L99615C wireless communication

Hi All!I have some doubts about possible connection STEVAL-L99615C with for example X-Nucleo-IDB05A1. As far as I understand it should works, but I am not sure if it will be possible to get data send by bluetooth to computer and then read them in ded...

jojoanaa by Associate
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Probe lines in STM32CubeWL FW (LoraWAN)

Hi there,I am wondering what the probe line settings in the LoraWan software pack are for (End node skeleton).My guess is they are used to signal the occurance of some events while SWD debugging is disabled, but I couldn't find any usage of them in t...

STM32WB fus not starting

Hi.I have nucleo board with STM32WB55RGV6 mcu. Trying to start FUS using StCubeProgrammer (swd mode), and unable to start it and even get its version. I do what is described in wiki: connect in normal mode + hardware reset, start fus, disconnect, sta...

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Resolved! NUCLEO-WL55JC1 for instant digital audio transmission

HelloI want to build an In-Ear Monitor system for performing music live. This system gets an audio signal from a sound card. Transmits it wirelessly (around 865MHz) to a bodypack receiver and plays the audio with virtually no delay.I stumbled upon th...

Kenney by Associate
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STMicroElectronics Partnership with Espressif

Is STMicroelectronics ever going to partner with Espressif to integrate short distance wireless connectivity with stm32 MCUs? Would this be a good idea? Right now, the only good library that integrates Wi-Fi connectivity and networking in stm32 using...