STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI

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Forum Posts

X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX 4.24.2 is out!

TouchGFX 4.24.2 is now out. Please follow this link to download it.Release details: Release date: December 18th, 2023 New TouchGFX Core Features: Added libraries for cortex M55.We're happy to share a new TBS in the TouchGFX Designer based on this co...


TouchGFX documentation feedback

We wish to always improve our documentation. The best reviews and critics always come from the people that read it, so we would like to use this post to collect your thoughts and feedbacks. Please share what you like, dislike, what you think is missi...

Share your Custom Widgets!

When creating a UI project, you may need widgets that are not part of the TouchGFX library. To create your own graphical element, the TouchGFX team suggests using the Custom Container approach. Since TouchGFX 4.20 it is possible to export and import ...

Remapping DCMI pins in f746 discovery board

Hi,I just started playing with STM32 tools and boards for my university thesis. Work would revolve around live video processing on an stm mcu. I am in possession of an stm32f746 discovery board, and was trying to hook up a camera (ov 7670) to it.But,...

AAnci.1 by Associate II
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Resistive touch calibration

HI,I have a stm32f769 custom board having 800*480 resolution RGB LCD. i am using tsc2003 touchscreen driver. i am able to port touchgfx and coulkd generate screens which are getting displayed without any issue. now i am trying to configure the touchs...

Changing to a different display

Hi everyone,I'm using the STM32F429 discovery board which comes with an LCD display. I tried out some example keil projects and also made some projects on TouchGFX software with hardware integration. All was working fine. I also have a different dis...

artifacts in 32-bit SDRAM

Helllo!I use development board with F769 and 32-bit sdramI see artifacts - stripes on both sides of picturesArtifacts a dissapear when I use 16 bit SDRAM mode. Artifacts are disappear then I use RBG565But I want 32-bit SDRAM and RGB888What I try to d...

0690X00000DYo48QAD.jpg 0690X00000DYo5GQAT.png
EEuge by Senior
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Hi I have been using 480x272 Resistive display in my TouchGFX project The project has been created using CubeMx for STM32F746G discovery board controller We have used the stm32f746G board display configuration for Resistive display.

While running of resistive display,some oscillations on the texts appeared on the screenSometimes noise came on display.I have attached the video that shows the display noiseCapacitive touch parameters(Vsync,Hsync) have been used for Resistive touc...

STM-User by Associate II
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