STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Bootloader DFU stm32f103

Hi, i like to use the DFU bootloader to update my stm32f103. I like to have the following setup.The binary is on the PC. From my own application i want to switch the mcu to dfu bootloader mode. It will be recognized as an DFU device. The mcu does not...

MOtto.1 by Associate II
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Receiving/transmitting using UART and LL API

Hello,I am experiencing some problems when trying to receive data from PC using UART and then check if it is correct. I am using using LL API and this code is placed in while(1) of main function. For example, when I send 'A' from PC to STM32, PC rece...

Indois by Associate II
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STM32F411RE NUCLEO Usart Bootloader issue

Hi everyone,I am trying to communicate with default ST UART bootloader on nucleo-F4RE. I have connect the PA9 and PA10 to my second nucleo-board on which I send the 0x7F (9600 baudrate, Even parity,1 stopbit and 8B data (also tried 9B data)). If I ch...

OSale.2 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L451 DMA and request on same channel?

Hello,I am running FreeRTOS Multitasks application. Actually, I am using the DMA1 channel 4 and 5 for SPI transfer and request #1.Now, I wonder if I can run in parallel USART DMA using the same channels (4 and 5) but they are linked to another req...

CGren.1 by Associate II
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question about the ADC operation.

1. How can I selectively read only one channel when using multiple ADC channels in each of the ADC interrupt mode and ADC DMA mode?(If you use HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, ADCvalue, 2), you can read each channel from ADCvalue[0] and ADCvalue[1]. I want ...

HAPPYDAY by Associate II
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P-L496G-CELL02: Unable to setup eSIM

Hello,I am currently trying to run the X-CUBE-CELLULAR demonstration project as per the Getting Started Guide (UM2567). and "How to enable SIM MFF2 connectivity with P-L496G-CELL02.txt"I've have been unable to retrieve the BIC from the BG96 with the ...

AGiml by Associate
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