STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Why would FLASH_FLAG_PGPERR and FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR be set after a successful flash write, and at power-up before any flash write operations?

I've written a flash-based bootloader for the STM32F4 using the latest STM32CubeMX tool and its HAL libraries. I've avoided all the usual pitfalls (it's not my first bootloader), and my code works reliably. I'm not erasing my bootloader segment, writ...

SHers by Associate III
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Resolved! flash_erase error: can not erase certain flash pages without error, however it is possible while debugging and stepping into every function

Hello,I am currently writing a program that will delete the bootloader, which is stored in 24 flash pages (Bootloader begins at 0x08000000, the program itself begins at 0x800C000).Pages 1-11 & 13-23 can be easily erased. Now the problem is, the page ...

she-peek by Associate II
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L4 Flash erase issue

MCU is STM32L4R9 with 1MB. I'm having trouble getting the device to erase the upper half of the flash programmatically. Apparently the device ships with opt bytes set for dual bank.I connected the device to the STM32 programmer through USB and turn...

EFrie.3 by Associate II
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