STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F103C8 as I2C SLAVE - I2C HAL_I2C_Slave_Seq_Transmit_IT sends address as the first data byte. HAL Bug ?

STM32F103 as Interrupt driven I2C slave . in the address callback Master READif (dir == I2C_DIRECTION_RECEIVE) // 0 {      data[0] = 0x55;       data[1] = 0xAA;     HAL_I2C_Slave_Seq_Transmit_IT(hi2c, &data[0], 2, I2C_LAST_FRAME);}On the wire (see pi...



Hello,I have developed a code in FreeRTOS mode that contains two main tasks. The first one check if I have received an RX buffer on the I2C bus, and the second one manage the data that has been received.However, after receiving the first buffer, I am...

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Mabou.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! I2C HAL_BUSY Debugging Help

Currently I am trying to interface with a LM75A temperature sensor using the STM32F446RE nucleo board.From the datasheet of the LM75A, I gathered that the sensor, returns a temperature measurement without any configuration.So I tried to simply hook u...

RMII Mode link problem

I'm using STM32F407 and Marvel 88E6390X switch in our project. But we have some I2C problems so we added I2C recovery function using TIMER8. The ethernet ports doesn't work stable after this addition . When we removed the I2C function in the projec...

gabay.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to support I2C burst write/read?

I wish to configure my STM32 MCU (STM32G071RB) as an I2C slave device, and support I2C burst-write and I2C burst-read, in a similar manner to many I2C slave devices:(usually the RA value is incremented after every DATA byte)The I2C receive/transmit f...

Yiftah by Associate II
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