STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Bootloader HardFault Error Peripheral

Hi guys,I'm using a bootloader. I am using 2 UART channels in the bootloader program. At the same time, I use these uart channels in the program I will install. But they don't work. The program enters the HardFault Error interrupt. When sending data ...

Hi world! by Associate III
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Stm32 FreeRtos Internal Flash Linker Script

I have some functions to read-and write to memory to STM32F103 internal memory. This functions work on the gcc and standard linker script. When I want to use the internal flash with stm32 and freertos. FreeRtos does not allow to me access when I want...

ebast by Associate II
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Defect in STM32Cube FW F7 V1.1.12.0 LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS main.c MPU_Config() appears to be missing an invocation of HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(&MPU_InitStruct);

After the first block of code setting up the fields of the struct argument to HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(&MPU_InitStruct); it appears that there is a missing invocation of the above mentioned function (by comparison both with following code, and the equiva...

Sean1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Oscillator for USB in the STM32F413

Hello everybody!I am going to work with USB on the STM32F413 . The datasheet says:"The USB OTG full-speed controller requires a dedicated 48 MHz clock, which is generated by a PLL connected to the HSE oscillator"I would like to ensure if it can work ...

Yevpator by Associate III
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I am trying to transmit and receive data on a STM32F7 (USB HOST CDC). After I receive and transmit bytes a few times my IN pipe shows a URB_Status of USBH_URB_NOTREADY and never reaches a USBH_URB_DONE state.

I am trying to transmit and receive data on a STM32F7 (USB HOST CDC). After I receive and transmit bytes a few times my IN pipe shows a URB_Status of USBH_URB_NOTREADY and never reaches a USBH_URB_DONE state.Any ideas as to why this might be happenin...

RPatn by Associate
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Stm23f103VET6 and Usb host FE1.1S

Greetings,Is it possible to interface stm32f103vet6 and usb host ic fe1.1s ? Actually am using stm32f103vet6 and need to attach a keyboard and usb pen drive at a same time. ​Any ideas or suggestions will be of great help .. Thanks.​