Posted on July 03, 2018 at 17:56Hi all: STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.2.0 ethernet sample is using DHCP, I want use static IP address. So I change the DHCP definition to 0 in lwipopts.h.&sharpdefine LWIP_DHCP 0 After comple the code and dow...
Posted on April 07, 2016 at 17:11Hi,I am developing a product for a small company. It primarily works through a touchscreen however it is intended that data can be read from the device to a PC via USB. When our device goes to market it will need a u...
Hi to all!Does anyone know how to implement a repeated start in I2C communication?I'm using a NUCLEO-F303RE with the following STM32CubeMX commands:HAL_I2C_Master_TransmitHAL_I2C_Master_ReceiveThese couple of commands don't implement a repeated start...
I am trying that : sprintf((char*)buffer,"%d\r",HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc));CDC_Transmit_FS(buffer,8);but the speed is only 3 or 4kS/sSomeone has something better ?
Hi,I am trying to integrate ESP8266 wifi module with microcontroller ( STM32F429IGT). wifi module (ESP8266) is not responding. when I send the AT command i am receiving the same AT command which I sent instead of getting response message. Please help...
I am using STM32CubeMX version 4.26.1 - haven't upgraded to 5.0 because my customer won't agree to yet, as there is some stable code produced by the older version which they don't want to regression test right now. The device is the STM32H743IITX, l...
Hello, we are using an STM32F7 and are saving image data to USB, using mostly the BSP code (disk_write in usbh_diskio.c -> USBH_MSC_Write in usbh_msc.c and so on). However we have found it's quite slow, 6-7 seconds to save one 400x400 image. I've s...
Hi,I am having a problem using Read Out Protection on the STM32F405VE processorMy firmware has a proprietary bootloader which is stored at 0x8000000. It basically checks to see if a USB OTG lead is plugged in and if so attempts to access a mass stora...
Thank you for the new "Combined PWM Mode" for the main timers... . This really was missing in STM32F4, creating 2-3 phase shifted PWM signals with just one timer... . This is now VERY nice with STM32H7.But the discription in RM (July 18) 37.3.13 is s...