Resolved! stm32 nucleo-64 boards screw hole location
How to get the height difference of these two screw hole?
How to get the height difference of these two screw hole?
I'm using system bootloader to write to flash memory on NUCLEO-H503RB evaluation board. The interface used is UART. I received ACK confirmation (0x79) for every command I sent: UART bootloader activation (0x7F), Extended Erase Memory (0x44) and multi...
Hi,while interfacing pc8574t with stm 32 i2c communication after generating start condition and sending slave address (0x4e) as in datasheet acknowledge failure flag was enable this was the waveform i got and still can't find what could be reason i...
Hello,STM32G474RE is the processor model I use.I read ADC from pin PA3 and I read IO from pin PC5. So whether these pins are common pins in the processor hardware? How can I separate these two pins from each other?
I want to install GRBL code in nucleof401re. I got GRBL for nucleo-f411re. I tried changing things like clock configuration and timers to match my board, but it is not working. ( this is the link where I got the fi...
I tried to merge both x-cube-spn2 and x-cude-mems1. It results to errors. problem is protocols and pin configurations are clashing. I can see the configuration and settings of X-cude-mems1 as it have ".ioc" file but not in the case of x-cube-spn2. I...
Good day to you.Since I would like to send ST-Link/v2 to oversea factory, it need the parameter sheet for it.Could you please show this link or provide me the parameter sheet ?Best regards,
I'm trying to view the LwIP debug log to check Ethernet operation on the nucleo-f429zi board. I tested the operation after setting the code as shown below, but the LwIP debug log is not displayed. The code below is for printing debug logs.Can you tel...
Hello,I have 3 of these (chinese origin) boards, 2 are failing communication, 1 is ok.In essence my STLINK-V3SET fails to connect to the board but the led's on the brand new board are blinking. Therefore the MCU processor is running. I measured the 3...
We developed a PCB that have an STM32L476. In the hardware configuration I configured the USB communcation as a Device_only and virtual com. For the hardware connection, I have the USB D+ , D- and ground connected and verified. when connecting the PC...