STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Motor brake

Hi,I have STM32f407G-DISC1 board. My problem is, when i give the power my micro controller with usb(with pc) than i can go in main less than 1 sec. but when i give the power from 5V pin than it takes more than 2 sec. How can i make this time shorter.

v_guelec by Associate
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Stm32f7508-dk HW upgrade issue

How can I port my stm32f7508-dk project from hardware C-02 to C-03when install the same binary file the screen will hang , that’s due to change in the flash memory ,now how to update the driver for flash memory g??thanks and regards

Makprog by Associate
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LWIP working example for STM32F7508-DK

I have an STM32F7508-DK evaluation board. I would like to implement a simple web-server (http) on itbut none of the examples that I compiled seems to run on it.Do any of you have a simple LWIP+FreeRTOS working example for such a simple eval board? I ...

depSN by Associate
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STM32 F030C8 interface LCD 16x2

Hi Everyone, I am trying to interface with LCD16x2 on STM32F030C8 custom board but I have some issues. I have LSE crystal on my custom board but HSE is not. When I debug my code, I have this problem: And when I run it, program does not work well and ...

volkan_ by Associate II
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Resolved! QSPI in stm32h747 cm4

Hi community ,I'm currently working on STM32H747I DISCO0 Board .The peripheral I'm using is QSPI, I'm able to read/write and also enter Xip mode in CM7 .Problem:1)QSPI does not work in CM4 .Need to access QSPI in CM4 and perform same operations as re...

Resolved! STM32F103 UART interrupt not working

Hello, I'm building a project where I will use CAN, UART and a TIMER. All of these work with an interrupt. How it works: I get data via CAN and use a TIMER to send a Request on the CANbus. With the UART I need to receive some commands that will trigg...

Smdeint by Associate III
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Hardware and software reference

Hi, STM32H743 development kit to develop my board.I want to develop my board in a way that each hardware interface can be selected between AI, AO, DI, DO by software. Is there any reference boards or reference documentations to implement such applica...


hello,Im trying to send the data I received on USB port (succesfully) to the UART port i tried sending data between 2 windows in Hercule, one is connected to the USB port, the other is connected to the UART port with the right configurations. I provi...

Lola_ by Associate II
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