User Activity

Dear community, I have been fighting against the Bootloader for a time now. I manage to initiate it, using GET commands and the read unprotect command. But when it comes to reading or writing, I just get a timeout, no NACK or anything. I don't know w...
Hi, I wanted to use the bootloader via uart in a nucleo-L476RG (target) and have an L4P5ZG as a Master. I read the AN2606 and AN3155 but I am facing some problems. The activation pattern is the 7. I did the following: - BOOT0->to VDD- nBoot1 ->1 -BFB...
Hi, I want to clarify that this is part of an experiment so I know there are easier ways to program these boards. What I am aiming to do is have a board (Nucleo 144) as a main board, let's call it B1, that I can program using cubeIDE through the USB....
Hi, I am new to this community and working with the STM32 family. I am doing some experiments using the following settings: OS- Mac OS 12.5.1 Board: Nucleo-WL55JC1stlink v3st-flash 1.7.0I am trying to deploy a simple code (blinking LED) on the board ...