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Forum Posts

Continuous acquisition from LIS3DSH

Posted on February 12, 2015 at 16:24Hello I'm attempting to acquire continuous data at high rate from a LIS3DSH, and getting discontinuities in the data - any input / suggestions / feedback would be hugely appreciated.  The aim is full rate of 1600...

Samples didnt received

Posted on February 16, 2015 at 12:03Hello, I have ordered samples of LIS2DH and its been a month I'm still waiting for the sample. My order number is 1079764. Please suggest what should I do, I have already tried the online support but I didn't rece...

santu by Associate
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Several Questions about the LIS3MDL

Posted on February 12, 2015 at 23:511. On page 6, where it shows the orientation of the axis, does the arrow point in a way such that I should get positive readings by pointing them towards magnetic North? More specifically, what calibration procedu...

FIFO/Water-Mark and Motion/Idle detection

Posted on February 11, 2015 at 22:13On the lis2dh (SPI), I went through the data sheet and the very helpful application note AN3308, I was able to configure the lis2dh to detect idle and motion on the INT1. However, I am not able to make this work w...

psavoy by Associate
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XPost: LSM6DS0 calibration and DPS values

Posted on February 09, 2015 at 17:51Cross post from the gyro forum (didn't realize it was in the wrong spot).Hi All, I need some advice/help getting my gyro calibration.  I'm using the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 board to evaluate the LSMDS0 gyro.The raw data ...

LPS331AP Data ready asserting sporadically

Posted on February 20, 2014 at 20:35Hello Folks,Not sure where else to post this as there doesn't seem to be any subcategory for pressure sensors in the sensors category, so I'm posting it here, please forgive any offense on that count.We've been wo...

gregg by Associate II
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LIS331DLH problem value

Posted on February 05, 2015 at 09:01 .ExternalClass8B0DBA798B5B4AA8BE4D83498BC56468 p {margin-bottom:0.25cm;line-height:120%;} .ExternalClass8B0DBA798B5B4AA8BE4D83498BC56468 a:link {;} Hello,I use the accelerometer LIS331DLH but I have a probl...

bosquet by Associate
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How to get LSM9DS0 i2c to work?

Posted on October 22, 2013 at 07:57I'm having trouble getting i2c communications working with LSM9DS0 iNEMO inertial module.  I've wired it up, but it isn't responding to who_am_i read request.  I've wired SDO to 1, so am using your default i2c addr...

clovett by Associate
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LIS3DSH, Unico Tool Download.

Posted on January 30, 2015 at 10:54Hi, I am trying to get hold of a copy of Unico to help me debug a state machine in an LIS3DSH. I have filled in the request online a number of times, and even though the request to download has been approved each t...

Pevy.Andy by Associate III
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