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Forum Posts

LIS3DH ODR=sampling frequency ?

Posted on May 11, 2017 at 08:24HiI apologize if this is a stupid question but I would appreciate it if someone can clear it for me.In LIS3DH, based on the mode selected, there are different Output Data rates (ODR) available for choice. What is this ...

Tilt compensation compass on LSM9DS1

Posted on November 23, 2017 at 13:07 Hi, we are upgrading our product from a LSM9DS0 to a LSM9DS1. During testing, we are unable to get tilt compensation working with the compass on the LSM9DS1. We have calibrated the compass. When using...

LIS3DH: Number of bits in FIFO?

Posted on November 22, 2017 at 17:48I try to use the lis3dh in FIFO_STREAM mode and HighRes mode. But when I read the values they seem to only be 10bit values.(I am setting CTRL_REG4 = 0x08, CTRL_REG5=0x40 and ODR=100Hz.)According to AN3308 16-bits ...

Resolved! LIS2HH12 with DMA

Posted on November 03, 2017 at 09:55Hello,I implemented a DMA with my LIS2HH12 to avoid losing datas.The problem is that my DMA is too fast, I am able to read at 1.8kHz (1800 (x,y,z) datas in 1 second) thanks to my DMA but the max ODR that I can cho...

STPM10 Register reverse counting

Posted on November 22, 2017 at 06:19   We are working with STPM10 to measure the Voltage,current,Active energy,Reactive energy and apparent energy. we are using 10W to 1KW load.with current calibration as +12% and Voltage calibration as +9%. Upto 40...

LIS2DE12 Interrupt on INT2 pad

Posted on November 17, 2017 at 22:11I am unable to generate an interrupt on INT2 pin. But I can generate an interrupt with the same configuration on INT1 pin. Seems like I am missing something obvious or the datasheet is missing something crucial!!I...

LSM6DS33 => Fifo continous mode bad time values

Posted on November 18, 2017 at 16:03Hello everyone,I've problem with using Continous Fifo mode. During data processing I get periodically strange values in timestamp. In table below is shown configuration whitch I use.I use interrupt on fifo treshol...