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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

SDRAM and a global struct.

Hi.I am using TouchGFX and it works fine,My MCU is STM32H743 But when I use the SDRAM for other things the code does not work.My question is:Can I use struct in the  SDRAM.? I have this one in my c file.  SD_CARD SdCard __attribute__((section("\"SDCa...

STM32H755 CM4's HAL_Delay() never returns

Hi All,I have a problem on H755 Nucleo which is that the M4's tick doesn't seem to be advancing.Digging a little deeper I can see that uwTickFreq is zero, but I can't see why that's happened. There must be something wrong in my .ioc file since I've h...

bramble by Associate III
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Generating .srec file from command line

Hey,I am using the STM32f769NIH controller and my application has Touchgfx and freeRTOS enabled. The code downloading time is too slow and I want to speed it up.I figured that turning off the external loaders in the debug configurations yields a smal...

Information Center tab not displaying documentation

Hi,I recently downloaded and installed onto Debian Bookworm (fully updated). This proceeded without any errors or warnings.On starting the IDE, a blank (i.e. black window) was presented, with...

SElli.11 by Associate III
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UChar.h is missing

Hi,I just found out <uchar.h> is missing from standard c header files in \STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\tools\arm-none-eabi\include. How am I supposed therefore to u...

GMeur by Senior II
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Use 7zip and SRecord in CubeIDE project

Hi all,I would like to know how to add the packets 7zip and Srecord in a CubeIDE project.I'm working on a project I didn't start and after compiling the IDE returns the error messages "7z is not recognized as an internal command" and "srec_cat is not...

ALuiz.1 by Associate II
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CubeIDE problems

Hi boys and girls from ST,I am testing your CubeIDE and it it catastrophe.1/ I tried to open a new project in CubeID and I ascertained that I can not add assembly file (s). How I can create project with only one file - in assembly. :)2/ I tried to cl...


Hi,I am using stm32f439zi eval board for TCP communication. I can ping the board from host. It shows TCP connection error in Hercules utility. I am using port number 7 to listen to server. I am not sure whether I am using correct port number for the ...

arun27 by Associate II
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