STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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RxDutyCycle and CAD function

Hi, Can anyone please explain the difference between Radio.StartCad and Radio.SetRxDutyCycle in LoRa?I am clear with the SetRxDutyCycle function but not sure what is the difference between CAD and duty cycle?

SBroa.2 by Associate
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Resolved! Stm32WLe5jc sigfox chip certificate is FFFFFFFFF

Hi, I am developing a sigfox app using stm32WLE5JC. I am reading it using cube programmer and on sigfox tab the chip certificate reads all FFFFFFFFFF . I also tried to read the sigfox PAC and ID on the 0x0803 E500 but its al FFFF. I want to ask how c...

MSHAY.1 by Associate II
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P-NUCLEO-WB55 bricked on heart rate demo

Hello,today I just ran the heart rate demo and suddenly the board seems to be bricked. The onboard debugger is running, but the CubeIDE is unable to start a GDB server. Using the ST-LINK utility I wasn't able to establish any connection to chip. So i...

MLang.7 by Associate III
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RTC in Standby on STM32WL

Dear communityI'm working on a project using STM32WLE5J microcontroller. I would like to collect time from some external source and then keep it on the device. My problem is that the device loses its internal time after waking up from standby (e.g in...

KS.6 by Associate
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Helle Evryone , I juste wante to modifiy my file no-ota to file ota, i following the video in youtube but the problem whene I want to change start adress my application don't work

SOMAR.1 by Associate
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STM32WB Get wireless stack version at runtime

Hello,I'm using STM32Wb CubeMX HAL FW 1.10.1 and a PNUCLEO-WB55I'd like to get the wireless coprocessor stack version at runtime. I didn't find a HAL API to do this, so I went about it manually using AN5185 as a guide. According to AN5185, the devi...

svcguy by Associate III
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Understanding STM32 Sequencer ( Simple scheduler )

I am going through the Hands-on2 and Hands-on3 in STM32WB55 MOOC. In the both examples sequencer or simple scheduler is used for the BLE. Inside the while loop I found only the Seq_run() function. I want to learn how the sequencer works. Can anyone ...

SChan.8 by Associate II
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