2021-07-15 8:57 AM
I'm working on getting the STM32WL on a Nucleo-WL55JC1 devboard to reliably communicate with my gateway (a RAK7243), however I'm running into a few issues.
When transmitting from the devboard on the US915 band, I can see the transmission appear on an oscilloscope, so I know the board is transmitting. However, unless the 32WL transmits at nearly the exact frequency I configured the gateway to receive on the transmission never gets forwarded to my backend (chirpstack).
I contacted RAK and they said this gateway was capable of receiving on all 8 channels for the US simultaneously, and that I needed to configure my channel plans on the end node. When I searched the Lora AT example project for channel plan configuration, I only found options for the Australian band, and nothing in the US.
So my question really is: what am I missing here? I see the end node transmitting on varied frequencies, but my gateway only picks up one frequency even though it should pick up the entire US TX spectrum.
Also, is there a way for me to force the STM32WL to transmit on that one frequency? If I were to do that, how many devices would I be able to have on a network transmitting on just that one frequency?
2021-07-16 10:51 AM
2021-07-20 2:53 AM
In Lora AT_Slave project, you should first verify that in LoRaWAN_AT_Slave\LoRaWAN\Target\lorawan_conf.h, #define REGION_US915 is enabled.
Then, if you want to transmit on one single frequency, this point is already answered in ticket: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000wxvvTSAQ/i-couldnt-activate-my-stm32wl55jc1-with-single-channel-gateway-draginolg02-via-abp-mode-lora-network-problem-is-how-to-configure-the-device-to-transmit-packets-in-just-1-channel
You should adapt in your case, modifying RegionUS915.h