STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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STM32WL55 module Low Power Problem

Hello,I am using the microcontroller STM32WL55Jc1 with the Nucleo WL55JC1 modules and I want to go into stop mode and consume as little as possible while ensuring wakeup via reception with LoRa signals. I have tried various configurations, but the me...

Henry77 by Associate II
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STM32WL55JC1 LoW Power Mode

Hello, I am using the STM32WL55JC1 microcontroller on the NUCLEO-WL55JC1 board and I tried the PWR_PLSLEEP example which is used to enter LPRUN mode. The example works, but the power consumption measurements are very different from those stated. In R...

Henry77 by Associate II
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Blank WBA52 BLE Project Failing to Compile

Now that the BLE_wrap.c issue has been solved, I've gotten back to trying to develop my application for the WBA52KGU using STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 and STM32Cube FW_WBA V1.5.0. Frustratingly, everything is still broken. Without the WPAN middleware enabled...

JLReyno by Associate II
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BLE_p2pServer low-power mode

I'm testing the sample project BLE_p2pServer on STM32WB09.When the low-power mode (LPM) is not activated (CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED = 0 in app_conf.h) the project works OK.To activate LPM I set CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED to 1, but that doesn't work and there is no ad...

LVanr.1 by Associate III
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BLE basic library support for Zephyr v4.0.0

Hi, I am programming the STM32 NUCLEOWBA55CG with Zephyr v4.0.0 and our application is using the BLE stack.Due to flash limitations, we would like to use the basic stack and link layer BLE libraries for the STM32WBA series  (see communication with ST...