STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Unable to flash wireless stack to nucleo WB55RG

I am trying to do some testing with the new Matter protocol and using Thread and BLE on the Nucleo STM32WB55RG. Installing the new wireless stack firmware (found on the STM32 GitHub Hotspot), went just fine. After using the nucleo for a different use...

TStro.2 by Associate II
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Enabling/Disabling Interrupts Problem in STM32WB55RG

Hello, I want to develop a software which includes an external interrupt for sleep mode and it should be enabled before entering sleep mode. For this purpose, I use: HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI0_IRQn, 0, 0) ;HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI0_IRQn); When I choos...

Yusuf by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32WB5X BLE packets sizes

HiI would like to use STM32WB5MMG-DK.1) I tried to program 1.15 software packages for stack-ble + FUS + SAFEBOOT.The stack ble file size is 149KB, according to the release note it suppose to be programmed at address 0x080C5000 (or 0x080CE000).The FUS...

Ofer by Associate III
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Resolved! power consumption in stop modes,standby and shutdown mode

i am trying to measure the power consumption of the MCU in my custom board with different sleep modes, while measuring the stop2 mode i am getting consumption of 110 uA in the datasheet its showing of 2 uA ,even for shutdown and standby mode also its...

sabari1 by Associate III
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LoRaWAN context management issue

I run a LoRaWAN End Node application on the custom board based on STM32WLCCU6 MCU. Application has enabled contex management to store LoRaWAN data and be able to resume communication after power loss without rejoining to the network. NVM memory is up...

JNowa.4 by Associate III
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