STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Resolved! How to Enable CTE on stm32wb55

Hi all,I am looking for a way to enable CTE on stm32wb55,but i didn't find a function like      "gap_set_connection_cte_tx_param()" to config CTE.I know that stm32wb55 support BLE 5.1 but i cant find a relevant function in ble_gap_aci.c .Does STM32WB...

mask by Associate
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How to enable and disable BLE privacy?

In some modes I want to use a random static addresses (BLE privacy disabled) and in some modes I wand to use private resolvable addresses (BLE privacy enabled). The aci_gap_init function seems to force you to declare if BLE privacy is on or off. Ho...

BStic.1 by Associate II
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I have problem with UsageFault_Handler occurance. I have build beacon project that is advertising adc data every second and then go to sleep mode. After some time processor stop and go to fault. It happens random time after start. When go to sleep mode

is disabled problem dissappear. When fault accured thread shows 0x2, 0xffffffe9, 0xf000af00, adresses jumps. Fault Analyze tool shows sp (MSP) at 0x2002ff30, pc at 0x2, xpsr at 0x2, r1-r3 at 0x2, r12 at 0x3, mmfar at 0xe00, usage fault details attemt...

KPrzy.1 by Associate II
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How to Update stm32wb firmware over LTE module?

Hello,I intend to develop an application using the STM32WB and a Telit LTE module (TX62). I would like to know if there is a way for me to use the LTE module to update the firmware of the STM32WB remotely. Can this be done via UART communication betw...

Resolved! LoRaWAN FUOTA example SX1262DVK1DAS & NUCLEO-L476RG

Hi,While building the example FUOTA code from icubelrwan software expansion. I am facing "No rule to make target error" attached the screenshot. Tried to build after including the path of the folder but still facing the same error. attached the scree...

stm32wl5 discontiguous ram, accessing ram2

I am currently working with a stm32wl55JCI and using RTOS. I am currently running into overflow errors of ram1. I am currently using an example project using RTOS. I tried using heap5 and used the sample templates for how to define the memory regions...

Resolved! how to setup an ble audio project via STM32CubeIDE

Hi,      I am setting up an ble audio project with STM32CubeIDE。There is no ble audio choose with STM32_WPAN view in STM32CubeMX。I just can select the ble choose that is Starts from a skeleton project with host stack & GAP and GATT initialization。   ...

Xiaojie by Associate III
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