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Can anyone please direct me to documentation on how to interface to Bluetooth functionality on the STM32WB1MM module (or B-WB1M-WPAN1)? My understanding is that I should be able to use the Bluetooth capability from either the on-board STM32WB15 of fr...
I need to write firmware for STM32H7xx to interact with an SPI flash memory chip. (STM32 master, 8-bit, full-duplex polling, no CRC and application controlled #CS.) I am using STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0 and used the device configuration tool to produce my S...
On STM32G491 (and family) MCUs the on-board temperature sensor can be read by ADC1 or ADC5 to provide junction temperature.RM0440 Rev 7 informs us:In order to read the temperature sensor we must "wake" it from power-down mode by setting the VSENSESEL...
How to get temperature (degC) from the STM32G491x internal temperature sensor?I have my ADC working and producing raw count values. Eg: 303.So assuming a working voltage of 3V3 and maximum count value of 4095 then I assume that I must multiply the ra...
I am trying to get CAN working on the STM32G491RE. I happily worked with CAN on STM32F4xxx micros, but the landscape seems to have changed on the STM32G491RE.The presented code is from a minimal project for the NUCLEO-STM32G491RE board. It is in defa...
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