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Hello,I'm using NucleoU575 with CubeMx and I want to make a file system on my SD card.I want to use FreeRtos but there are no Fatfs in CubeMx and the FileX cannot work with FreeRtos (image). Is there anyway i can use Fatfs with STM32U5 ?Thank you. 
Hello,In STM32WB exemple BLE_HeartRate, i can see the name of HeartRate service on my phone (like image). But when i create my own service, how can i set a name for it ?Thank you.
Hello,I run STM32WB exemple : BLE_p2pServer_ota on STM32CubeIDE with the BLE_Ota exemple for bootloader. In this application we start from address 0x08007000MEMORY{FLASH (rx)         : ORIGIN = 0x08007000, LENGTH = 484kRAM1 (xrw)         : ORIGIN = ...