STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI

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Forum Posts

Join the TouchGFX contest now!

Hey everyone, for those who haven't seen the announcement in the community blog, I'm also announcing this here :) We're launching a contest focused on custom containers!  Custom containers have been a hot topic on our forum, and we love seeing the en...

TouchGFX documentation feedback

We wish to always improve our documentation. The best reviews and critics always come from the people that read it, so we would like to use this post to collect your thoughts and feedbacks. Please share what you like, dislike, what you think is missi...

Share your Custom Widgets!

When creating a UI project, you may need widgets that are not part of the TouchGFX library. To create your own graphical element, the TouchGFX team suggests using the Custom Container approach. Since TouchGFX 4.20 it is possible to export and import ...

LTDC and Partial FrameBuffer Strategy

I have a STM32H7B3 Discovery Kit.To free up RAM for my application I tried to configure the PartialFramebaffer.Compilation fails with the following error message:undefined reference to `touchgfxDisplayDriverTransmitActive'The question is: is it possi...

QuiQuipu by Associate II
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Resolved! TouchGfx with ILI9341

Hi All,This is the first time I am posting on this forum. I am new to cubeIde/cubeMX world. I have recently started integrating the touchGFX capability to my stm32 boards. I followed some online tutorials and youtube videos like these:(https://www.yo...

TouchGFX Create a Count-down Timer

How do you create a graphical count-down timer in TouchGFX?Are there any example custom widgets that implement a count-down timer that I am not already aware of?It seems that the Model::tick() function's cycle time varies based on the LCD, so I am no...

Resolved! Touch gfx linkers

When i run target this message appeared plz help me '' Compiling Utilities/JPEG/jpeg_utils.cCompiling Common/Src/system_stm32h7xx_dualcore_boot_cm4_cm7.cCompiling ASM STM32CubeIDE/CM7/Application/User/Startup/startup_stm32h747xihx.sLinking CM7/TouchG...

Aziz by Associate II
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STM32U535 + ILI9341 TouchGFX Performance

I'm using TouchGFX with a custom board that contains a STM32U535 and ILI9341 display.  The display also has the XPT2046 touch controller.  The issue I'm running into, which ControllerTech pointed out in his video, the touch/refresh is kind of spotty ...

kumaichi by Associate III
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TouchGFX error: no declaration matches ERROR

Hello there, I was working on TouchGFX and when i tried to build my code i got error: no declaration matches 'bool TouchGFXHAL::blockCopy(void*, const void*, uint32_t) and same for endFrame and beginFrame. But i couldn't solve the problem.  Here is t...

Resolved! Touchgfx and HAL_GPIO_WritePin in simulator

This piece of code works if I transfer it to my board, but if I use the simulator in TouchGFX, I get an error: gui/src/model/Model.cpp:7:10: fatal error: main.h: No such file or directory #include "main.h". Screen1View.cpp#include "stm32f7xx_hal.h" /...

amigafan by Associate III
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