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Hi Cube/Gfx Team,Cube 1.16.1 and GfxDesigner 4.24.1 generate different .cproject outputs. In a commit on the left, rows 2 and 3 are on separate lines but in newly generated .cproject these are combined into single line 2 on the right. Also spaces are...
Hi,In Cube 1.16.1, when I fill 'Log to File' field with the following absolute path using Cube variables, log file is not created.[Run > Debug Configurations > Debugger > Mics > Log To File] ${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/dbg/log.txt} However, when the...
Hi,I would like to compile some C++ code based on toolchain used e.g. CubeIDE(gcc-none-abi) vs uVision(clang) vs MSVC vs GxfDesigner.How can I uniquely identify CubeIDE's toolchain? How can I view the toolchain's intrinsic defines?Thanks
Hi,My aim is to be able to get shorter line for compiled file.How to tell the makefile generator of *.mk files to print to console my version of message.What I mean is, instead of verbose format:---- Console ------------------------------------------...