STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI

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Forum Posts

X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX 4.24.2 is out!

TouchGFX 4.24.2 is now out. Please follow this link to download it.Release details: Release date: December 18th, 2023 New TouchGFX Core Features: Added libraries for cortex M55.We're happy to share a new TBS in the TouchGFX Designer based on this co...


TouchGFX documentation feedback

We wish to always improve our documentation. The best reviews and critics always come from the people that read it, so we would like to use this post to collect your thoughts and feedbacks. Please share what you like, dislike, what you think is missi...

Share your Custom Widgets!

When creating a UI project, you may need widgets that are not part of the TouchGFX library. To create your own graphical element, the TouchGFX team suggests using the Custom Container approach. Since TouchGFX 4.20 it is possible to export and import ...

Compiling to Target issue with Callbacks

Code works fine in simulator but compilation to target (STM32756G-eval2).Code:// MainDisplayView.cpp   MainDisplayView::MainDisplayView(): viewCallback(this, &MainDisplayView::buttonNavCallbackHandler), boxClickedCallback1(this, &MainDisplay...

DMacD.1 by Associate II
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Unable to write into LTDC registers

Hello everyone,I've been trying to integrate a simple TouchGFX project into STM32CubeIDE (so that I can add my own code to it), it's supposed to print simple graphics on the screen of a STM32L4R9I-EVAL board, but I stumbled upon an issue in the LDTC ...

Aksl by Associate III
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Wondering if TouchGFX would be able to run on an STM32F411 with 512K flash & 128K of RAM. The screen I'd like to drive will take ~70K of RAM for a single display buffer.

I know there is no demo that runs on a 411. I'd also have to write my own display driver to transfer the display buffer. Just wondering if the 512K Flash and remaining 58K of RAM would be enough to fit TouchGFX and my own code in.

JimFouch by Associate III
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TouchGFX Designer 4.19 FlexButton bug

Hey @Martin KJELDSEN​ ,today I updated touchgfx in my project from version 4.18.1 to 4.19. As soon as I updated, regenerated and compiled my project I noticed that all of my wildcard texts in flexbuttons are missing:Example code:#include <gui/screen1...

0693W00000KdgusQAB.png 0693W00000Kdgv2QAB.png 0693W00000KdgyBQAR.png 0693W00000Kdh07QAB.png
JureL by Associate III
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