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Hi,I recently purchased a STM32U5G9J -dk board. When I power up the board, TouchGFX demo application is running.Can you please provide the source code of this demo application. 
Hi,I am using STM 32H745I disco boards. When I have configured the boards with LTDC interface image has been displayed on 480*272 display.Now we have removed on board 480*272 display , we have connected external 480*480 display & I have initize the d...
Hi...I am using STM32f746g board , normally if I use text area widget to display string it is working fine. But I m not getting how to do when a data receiver through Usart has to be displayed on Display.For example : from USART we got a value 40 , ...
Hi...By using Text Area widget a string is displayed on a 480x272 resolution board. But I want something like, if we give '1' from keyboard through usart that data will be transmitted & it should display a string configured in TOUCHGFX IDE .I tried i...
Hi...I have configure the slider Widget using TOUCHGFX & it is working fine with Touch. But the want to Configure the slider without touch i.e., When I give some Data through Usart , according to that data the slider knob has to move (Without touchin...
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