STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! USB Type C DRD/OTG

hi all,  i am using STM32U585 controller which is having a internal UCPD requirement is to create a module which can act as host and device using USB type C. i am taking the hardware connection as same as stm32U585 eval board(and adding...

sabari1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Bug in CRS register definition of STM32U585xx

Affected driver library: STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.2.0File: stm32u585xx.hThe definition of CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk is wrong.Currently it is:#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos) /*!< 0x00003F00 */But instead it should be:#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk (0x7FU...

SOfne.1 by Associate III
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Hi - can anyone tell me how to insert a CORS header into LWIP?(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) header directly into the httpd.c? file of LwIP)i.e.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *I am using vscode to debug an index.shtml file file, but i need to get resp...

Resolved! STM32L4S5VIT6 with AWS

Hi,    Good morning, everyone. I'm new to IOT. So, I need your help for how to connect and use STM32L4S5VIT6 and AWS from the scratch. Could you please help me. Demo video or any sample code and share any related document for understanding purpose it...

M_Sukumar by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H723 ADC Oversampling code generation bug

I am using STM32CubeIDE v1.13.2. When setting oversampling for ADC3 on STM32H723, the ratio value is incorrectly generated to exactly the number that is typed in the GUI:  hadc3.Init.Oversampling.Ratio = 32; which is then on lines 725-735 in stm32h7x...
