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Hello all,I'm using STM32L552 MCU and its I2C peripheral to control a board. I'm facing a phenomenal which I not quite sure how to handle that. I have a pretty old fan controller chip on the board which is kind of really slow. Not only it works with ...
First of all the board that we use is "NUCLEO-L552ZE". The upper section of the board is the ST-Link which we use to program and debug the chip. The ST-Link also forwards one of the UARTs (LPUART1) over USB. So we conveniently use this feature to tes...
Hi,recently I changed my microcontroller from STM32L152 to STM32L552. In L1 I was using the code in the following link to activate the internal bootloader.
I'm writing C++ code wih STM32CubeIDE. Version of IDE is 1.11.0 and it comes with arm-none-eabi-g++ version 10.3-2021.10 . The compiler has some of C++20 features and I'm using them in the code.The problem is some of them are not recognized by the ID...
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